The origins of both Industry 4.0 and an awareness of the need for more sustainable manufacturing methods can arguably be traced back to the year …
‘Denimized’ customers take the lead in London
Of the twelve participating denim mills who took part in Habitat 21 – a special Smart Creation showcase at the recent Denim Première Vision exhibition …
Made in the USA with Monforts
PSP Marketing, which represents Monforts in North America from its base in Charlotte, North Carolina, reports that there is currently a push for the replacement …
Monforts at Techtextil India
Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG will be providing information on its extensive range of coating and finishing technologies for the production of nonwovens and …
Monforts in two-centre VDMA delegation to Pakistan
Monforts will be part of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s forthcoming delegation to Pakistan which will take place from November 11th to 14th. In total, …
Responding to China’s requirements in 2019
It’s well-known that the astonishing success of China’s economy over the past decade has sent wages soaring and made it difficult for the country’s textile …
New Monforts publications chart success in Europe and the denim industry
In addition to launching its new and expanded website, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG has issued two new publications celebrating the achievements of …
Smarter and simpler operations with Monforts digital developments
Monforts customers in Austria, Belgium, Germany and Turkey are already benefiting from the Industry 4.0 advances introduced by Monforts at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, including …
CYD is a big hit with ‘Denim Triangle’ visitors at ITMA 2019
The new Monforts yarn dyeing technology is being made commercially available at exactly the right time for fabric differentiation and cost efficiencies, if the initial …